Tutorial: Frameworks/Using with Vanilla JS

Frameworks/Using with Vanilla JS

Vanilla JS Usage

You can use BrainClient from Node or even directly from the browser without any transpilation or framework required.

When using via the <script> tag in your browser, the classes provided by this package are attached to the window.KramerBrainClient object. For example, to get the BrainClient class, use window.KramerBrainClient.BrainClient.

The BrainClient is available via the UNPKG CDN and Netlify CDN for direct importing without any transpilation or build tools on your end:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@kramerav/brain-client/dist/es5/kramer-brain-client.min.js"></script> <!-- always latest NPM version, see UNPKG docs on how to pin to a specific version -->
<script src='https://kramer-brain-client.netlify.com/dist/es5/kramer-brain-client.min.js'></script> <!-- always latest version -->

For a complete Vanilla JS example, see examples/vanilla-js-browser. Below is a simplified example that just updates an element the DOM with the current value of the SECOND_STATE from the "System Device" on a Brain every time it changes:

<!-- kramer-brain-client attaches to window as KramerBrainClient and all classes are available in that object -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@kramerav/brain-client/dist/es5/kramer-brain-client.min.js"></script>

<!-- We'll use javascript to write to this element -->
<h1 id="seconds"></h1>

	// Wait for the script and page to load
	document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
		// Grab references to needed classes from the imported library
		const { BrainClient, BrainDevice } = window.KramerBrainClient;
		// Our display element above
		const displayElm = document.querySelector('#seconds');

		// Get a BrainClient instance for the brain at this IP
			// Grab the system device and start listening for changes
			.then(device => {

				// Listen for changes to the System device
				// and update the UI when changes received
				device.on(BrainDevice.STATE_CHANGED, ({ id, normalizedValue }) => {
					// All state changes from the device are receved here, 
					// so only show the state we care about
					if(id === 'SECOND_STATE') {
						displayElm.innerHTML = normalizedValue;