
BrainClient. ReactHooks

new ReactHooks()

The BrainClient.ReactHooks namespace has several utility hooks that make integrating BrainClient into React apps easy without requiring you to attach event listeners or handle async responses directly in your functional rendering component.

Example usage:

function BrainSecondTicker({ ipAddress }) {
	// getBrainClient does not need a hook because it is not async and always
	// returns same client for the same ipAddress
	const bc          = BrainClient.getBrainClient(ipAddress);
	const sysDevice   = BrainClient.ReactHooks.useDevice(bc, 'System Device');
	const secondState = BrainClient.ReactHooks.useDeviceState(sysDevice, 'SECOND_STATE');

	// Render the state as JSX
	// This will automatically re-render whenever
	// the Brain sends a new value for the state
	return (<>
		Current Seconds on {ipAddress}: <b>{secondState.normalizedValue}</b>


(static) useConnectionStatus(brainClient):string

Get a React state variable containing current state value from BrainClient.CONNECTION for the given BrainClient.

Event listeners are attached in a React.useEffect hook to automatically attach/unattach from the BrainClient.EVENTS.CONNECTION_STATUS_CHANGED event and automatically update the variable returned from this hook with the new status whenever the status changes.

Related: See BrainClient#getConnectionStatus and BrainClient.CONNECTION for documentation on the various possible connection states.


Brain client from which to get connection status


One of the connection state strings described in BrainClient.CONNECTION indicating the current connection state of the given BrainClient. Related, see BrainClient#getConnectionStatus.

(static) useDevice(client, deviceNameOrId):BrainDevice

Provides a React Hook to retrieve a device from the Brain given the device Name or ID


Client to use to access devices


Name or ID of the device to retrieve


Returned value will eventually be set to BrainDevice object

(static) useDeviceState(device, stateNameOrId):object

Get a specific state from the device. This method will automatically attach a listener to the BrainDevice.STATE_CHANGED event and automatically update the returned value whenever a new state value is received from the brain.

Uses React.useEffect internally to attach/remove event listener for that event so event listener is removed when component unmounts.

See BrainDevice#getState for more documentation on this result.


Device to get the commands from


Name or ID of state to retrieve and watch


State information object, see BrainDevice#getState for more documentation on this result.